How do I use DocViewer in Canvas assignments as a student?

Canvas DocViewer is a tool that allows annotations on online assignment submissions in Canvas. You can use DocViewer to view annotated feedback in the assignment details section of the sidebar from your instructor or from other students in peer review assignments.

DocViewer has a 10-hour session limit that begins when you open a submission. If you start to make an annotation but do not submit it before the session expires, the annotation will not be saved. Submitted annotations are saved and are not affected by the session limit. Canvas will display a session expiration warning at 9 hours 50 minutes, followed by a 5-minute and 1-minute warning until the 10-hour limit has been reached. You can restart a DocViewer session at any time by refreshing the submission page.

If your browser includes a built-in PDF viewer, select the option to view the PDF in the system viewer.

Compatible DocViewer Files

If a submission includes a file that can be rendered in DocViewer, but the submission preview is not yet complete, Canvas will generate a message stating the document is still processing.


  • If you cannot annotate a document in DocViewer, your institution may have restricted this feature.
  • Files over 100 MB and password-protected files will not be converted by DocViewer.
  • DocViewer annotations can be viewed in the Canvas Student app.
  • Your instructor can delete any comment or annotation at any time.
  • If your instructor anonymously grades an assignment, annotations in DocViewer will not be available until the assignment is unmuted.


Canvas DocViewer es una herramienta que permite anotaciones en presentaciones de tareas en línea en Canvas. Puede usar DocViewer para ver los comentarios con anotaciones en la sección de detalles de la tarea de la barra lateral de su instructor o de otros alumnos en tareas de revisión entre pares.

DocViewer tiene un límite de sesión de 10 horas que comienza cuando abre una presentación. Si comienza a hacer una anotación pero no la envía antes de que caduque la sesión, la anotación no se guardará. Las anotaciones enviadas se guardan y no se ven afectadas por el límite de la sesión. Canvas mostrará una advertencia de caducidad de la sesión a las 9 horas 50 minutos, seguida de una advertencia a los 5 minutos y 1 minuto hasta alcanzar el límite de 10 horas. Puede reiniciar una sesión en DocViewer en cualquier momento actualizando la página de presentación.

Si su navegador incluye un visor de PDF integrado, seleccione la opción para ver el PDF en el visor del sistema.

Archivos de DocViewer compatibles

Si una presentación incluye un archivo que se pueda entregar en DocViewer, pero la vista previa de la presentación no está completa aún, Canvas generará un mensaje indicando que el documento aún se está procesando.


  • Si no puede anotar un documento en DocViewer, es posible que su institución tenga restringida esta función.
  • DocViewer no convertirá los archivos de más de 100 MB ni los archivos protegidos con contraseña.
  • Las anotaciones de DocViewer se pueden ver en la aplicación Canvas Student.
  • Su instructor puede eliminar cualquier comentario o anotación en cualquier momento.
  • Si su instructor califica una tarea de forma anónima, las anotaciones en DocViewer no estarán disponibles hasta que la tarea deje de estar silenciada.


How do I view assignment comments from my instructor?

You can see comments from your instructor in the Grades page. Most comments are located in the assignment sidebar. However, your instructor may also leave comments in your assignment submission as annotations.


How do I know when my teachers has graded my assignment?

When a change is made to your course grades, the Grades link in Course Navigation adds a indicator representing the number of changes in a course since your last visit. The Grades page shows the details of your graded assignments.

Note: You can also set up notifications to know when your instructor grades an assignment.


How do I know when my assignment has been submitted?

View the assignment submission details to know that you have turned in the assignment.

All file submissions also appear in your personal unfiled folder.

Note: If the assignment you are accessing displays differently, your assignment may be using the Assignment Enhancements feature option. Please view this guide for more information.


How do I upload a file from Google Drive as an assignment submission in Canvas?

If your institution has enabled Google Docs or Google Drive as a submission type, you can upload a file from Google Drive for an assignment. Unlike other assignment submissions, files from Google Drive are not uploaded into your Canvas user files.

Canvas accepts Google Doc, Google Sheet, and Google Slide files. You can also upload any uploaded Word (.doc/.docx), Excel (.xls/.xlsx), PowerPoint (.ppt/.pptx), and PDF files not converted to Google Docs formatting.


  • If the Google Docs or Google Drive tab is not available in your submission, your institution has not enabled this feature.
  • If your course displays a link to your Google Drive in the Course Navigation Menu, your course has enabled Google Drive directly. Otherwise, you must enable Google Drive a web service in your user profile to upload Google Drive files.
  • In Google Drive assignments, you can only submit one file for your submission.
  • When Google Drive files (docs, sheets, and slides) are uploaded as a submission, the files convert to their Microsoft counterpart file types and appear in the submission as respective Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files. This conversion essentially preserves the submission in its current state; any changes made to the file in Google Drive will not be updated in the submission.
  • If enabled in your account, Canvas plays a celebration animation when you submit an assignment on time. However, if you prefer, you can disable this feature option in your user settings.
  • If the assignment you are accessing displays differently, your assignment may be using the Assignment Enhancements feature option. Please view this guide for more information.


How do I upload a file as an assignment submission in Canvas?

If your instructor allows file uploads as a submission type, you can upload a file from your computer as an assignment submission.

Any attachments added as part of a graded assignment submission are also copied to your user files but are not counted against your user quota. However, once the file has been uploaded as a submission, you cannot delete the file. Files are stored in the Submissions folder.

If your institution has enabled Google Docs as a submission type, you can also upload a file from Google Drive.


  • Canvas does not support file uploads larger than 5 GB.
  • If enabled in your account, Canvas plays a celebration animation when you submit an assignment on time. However, if you prefer, you can disable this feature option in your user settings.
  • If the assignment you are accessing displays differently, your assignment may be using the Assignment Enhancements feature option. Please view this guide for more information.


How do I submit a peer review to an assignment?

Your instructor may require you to submit a peer review of another student’s assignment. To complete the assignment, you must review the student’s assignment and add a comment in the comment sidebar.

If your instructor includes a rubric, which is a pre-determined outline of how an assignment is graded, you must assign a grade using the rubric. However, your instructor may also ask you to leave a comment in the comment sidebar.

Some peer reviews may also be anonymous, which means you cannot view the name of the student whose assignment you are reviewing. Additionally, the student cannot see your name as the reviewer when you leave a comment to complete the review.  


Su instructor podría solicitarle que presente una revisión entre pares de la tarea de otro estudiante. Para completar la tarea, debe revisar la tarea del estudiante y agregar un comentario en la barra lateral de comentarios.

Si su instructor incluye una rúbrica, que es un esquema predeterminado de cómo se califica una tarea, usted debe asignar una calificación utilizando la rúbrica. No obstante, su instructor también puede pedirle que deje un comentario en la barra lateral de comentarios.

Algunas revisiones entre pares también podrían ser anónimas, lo que significa que no puede ver el nombre del estudiante cuya tarea está revisando. Del mismo modo, el estudiante no puede ver su nombre como revisor cuando deja un comentario para completar la revisión.  


How do I submit an assignment on behalf of a group?

A group assignment is a way for instructors to allow students to work together on an assignment and submit it as a group. Only one group member needs to submit the assignment on behalf of the group.

Any attachments added as part of a graded assignment submission are also copied to your group files but are not counted against your user quota. However, once the file has been uploaded as a submission, you cannot delete the file. If you upload a file from your computer, the file is stored in the group Submissions folder. However, please note that if you submit a file that was previously uploaded to your group files, the file is stored in your Submissions folder.


  • If you want to submit a file that was previously uploaded, the file must already be in your user files. Any files that have been uploaded to the group’s files cannot be access through assignment submissions. Learn how to move group files to user files.
  • If enabled in your account, Canvas plays a celebration animation when you submit an assignment on time. However, if you prefer, you can disable this feature option in your user settings.


Una tarea grupal es una forma para que los instructores permitan a los estudiantes trabajar juntos en una tarea y entregarla como grupo. Solo un miembro del grupo debe presentar la tarea en nombre del grupo.

Cualquier archivo adjunto agregado como parte de una presentación de tarea con calificación también se copia en sus archivos de grupo, pero no se tiene en cuenta para el cupo del usuario. No obstante, una vez que el archivo se cargó como presentación, no puede eliminarlo. Si carga un archivo desde su computadora, el archivo se guarda en la capeta Presentaciones grupales. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que si presenta un archivo que previamente se cargó en los archivos de grupo, el archivo se guardará en la carpeta Presentaciones.


  • Si desea presentar un archivo que ya ha cargado previamente, el archivo debe estar en sus archivos de usuario. No se puede acceder a través de las presentaciones de tarea a ningún archivo que haya sido cargado en los archivos del grupo. Aprenda cómo mover archivos de grupo a archivos de usuario.
  • Si está habilitada en su cuenta, Canvas muestra una animación de festejo cuando entrega una tarea a tiempo. Sin embargo, si lo prefiere, puede deshabilitar esta opción de la cuenta en sus configuraciones del usuario.


How do I submit a media file as an assignment submission?

You can upload a video or audio file to submit as an assignment in Canvas. You can also use Canvas to record an audio or video file to submit as an assignment. Before submitting an assignment, you may want to review all assignment information, such as the assignment rubric, if any. You can also submit assignments using your Android or iOS device.

Any attachments added as part of a graded assignment submission are also copied to your user files but are not counted against your user quota. However, once the file has been uploaded as a submission, you cannot delete the file. Files are stored in the Submissions folder.

To learn more about available options for using media files in Canvas, view the Canvas Media Comparison PDF.


  • Canvas will not accept media uploads larger than 500 MB.
  • Your instructor will decide what type of submissions are allowed. One or both of these options may not be available. You may also have the option to resubmit assignments if your instructor allows.
  • Not all of your assignments may be submitted online. If you cannot see the Submit Assignment link, your instructor may want you to submit your assignment in a different way, or the availability date has passed. View the description of the assignment for instructions, or contact your instructor for assistance.
  • If enabled in your account, Canvas plays a celebration animation when you submit an assignment on time. However, if you prefer, you can disable this feature option in your user settings.
  • If the assignment you are accessing displays differently, your assignment may be using the Assignment Enhancements feature option. Please view this guide for more information.


How do I enter a URL as an assignment submission?

In Canvas, you can enter a website URL as an assignment submission. When a URL is submitted as an assignment, Canvas takes a screenshot of the web page at the time it was submitted.

Before submitting an assignment, you may want to review all assignment information, such as the assignment rubric, if any. You may also have the option to resubmit assignments if your instructor allows.

Third-Party File Application Submissions

You can submit assignments from Google Drive, Dropbox, or another third-party service via your desktop computer in one of two ways:

  • Download the file to your computer and submit as a File Upload
  • Share the file, copy the file URL, and submit as a Website URL


  • Not all of your assignments may be submitted online. If you cannot see the Submit Assignment link, your instructor may want you to submit your assignment in a different way, or the availability date has passed. View the description of the assignment for instructions, or contact your instructor for assistance.
  • You can also submit assignments using your Android or iOS device.
  • If enabled in your account, Canvas plays a celebration animation when you submit an assignment on time. However, if you prefer, you can disable this feature option in your user settings.
  • If the assignment you are accessing displays differently, your assignment may be using the Assignment Enhancements feature option. Please view this guide for more information.
